The battle of the new generation consoles continues, there were some big blows dealt yesterday but I am pretty sure one console stood tall where the other one missed a pretty important detail.
Microsoft delivered in games, games and more games. They opened up with Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain which had stellar graphics and the audience pretty much enjoyed it. Then the annoucment for the 360, a new slick xbox 360 that looks pretty similar to the Xbox One. Then the list of Xbox One exclusives just kept on coming, Ryse: Son of Rome, Killer Instinct, Sunset Overdrive, Forza Motorsport 5, Quantum Break, Dead Rising 3, a glimpse of a new Halo game and my personal favorite Titanfall. They also showed some sexy game play from Battlefield 4. For those who are already leaning towards the Xbox One, pretty much the exclusives sold you in. As much as the trailers were awesome to watch, Microsoft did not say anything about the used games issue and offline gaming. That was a huge ball to drop, tisk tisk tisk. Oh yeah what about that $499 price tag? How do you guys feel about that?