Microsoft delivered in games, games and more games. They opened up with Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain which had stellar graphics and the audience pretty much enjoyed it. Then the annoucment for the 360, a new slick xbox 360 that looks pretty similar to the Xbox One. Then the list of Xbox One exclusives just kept on coming, Ryse: Son of Rome, Killer Instinct, Sunset Overdrive, Forza Motorsport 5, Quantum Break, Dead Rising 3, a glimpse of a new Halo game and my personal favorite Titanfall. They also showed some sexy game play from Battlefield 4. For those who are already leaning towards the Xbox One, pretty much the exclusives sold you in. As much as the trailers were awesome to watch, Microsoft did not say anything about the used games issue and offline gaming. That was a huge ball to drop, tisk tisk tisk. Oh yeah what about that $499 price tag? How do you guys feel about that?
As for Sony, the beginning of the press conference was a bit slow, they talked about the PS Vita with a not so awesome line up of games coming out. They then gave the PS3 some love bringing up The Last Of Us, Puppeteer, Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, Gran Turismo 6 and Batman: Arkham Origins. To top the PS3 news, there was a bundle announced that includes a copy of Grand Theft Auto 5. Sony afterwards rolled out the red carpet and unveiled the Playstation 4:

After that the fun began, they showed off a new Playstation exclusive The Order: 1886. Then some new trailers for Killzone: Shawdow Fall, Driveclub, Infamous: Second Son and Knack. Those Indie games showed off what they have going on. Then Diablo 3, Final Fantasy XIII, Kingdom Hearts 3, NBA 2K14, Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag and Elder Scrolls Online also helped light up the Sony stage. Then Sony laid it on us, no restrictions on used games, offline gaming is a-go, and no 24 hour authentication. Online gaming is not free on the PS4 though, you must have Playstation Plus. Sony gave us some Destiny game play and let us know there will be exclusive content only for the PS4. Then the $399 price tag, does that make the PS4 cheap, or is the price perfect?
My vote goes to, drum roll please *drumming*.......... The Playstation 4! They have awesome games coming out, good exclusives, we know what is the deal with used games and offline gaming and the price tag seems reasonable. Do you agree or disagree? Let me know how you feel.
Ms. Montenegro
After that the fun began, they showed off a new Playstation exclusive The Order: 1886. Then some new trailers for Killzone: Shawdow Fall, Driveclub, Infamous: Second Son and Knack. Those Indie games showed off what they have going on. Then Diablo 3, Final Fantasy XIII, Kingdom Hearts 3, NBA 2K14, Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag and Elder Scrolls Online also helped light up the Sony stage. Then Sony laid it on us, no restrictions on used games, offline gaming is a-go, and no 24 hour authentication. Online gaming is not free on the PS4 though, you must have Playstation Plus. Sony gave us some Destiny game play and let us know there will be exclusive content only for the PS4. Then the $399 price tag, does that make the PS4 cheap, or is the price perfect?
My vote goes to, drum roll please *drumming*.......... The Playstation 4! They have awesome games coming out, good exclusives, we know what is the deal with used games and offline gaming and the price tag seems reasonable. Do you agree or disagree? Let me know how you feel.
Ms. Montenegro
My vote is clearly for the PS4. I think that they price is fitting seeing as all that it has going on. Did they give a price for how much online play will cost? It sucks that it isn't free anymore, but I would not mind paying a low fee for it.
ReplyDeletePlaystation Plus is $10 for a one month subscription, $17.99 for three months and $49.99 for a year. No clue if the prices will be changing for the PS4.
ReplyDeleteThat's actually not too bad. I can see myself buying the one year of Playstation Plus. Hopefully the pricing wont increase. So far it looks like the PS4 is shaping up to be the better of the two big next gen systems.
ReplyDeleteMy vote is on PS4 .... well worth the price ... and I'm okay with them charging a fee to pay online ... 49.99 a year isn't that bad ... can't wait to get destiny, beyond two souls, and kingdom hearts 3~! <3
ReplyDeleteI'm so disappointed in what microsoft had to offer since I really like the 360 and was hoping for something better than the crap they gave us ... I mean some of the games were good but it still wouldn't make me buy the new system~ ;-;
~_~ I hate you microsoft....
ReplyDeleteI know those feels. I'd rather build a gaming PC to play Titalfall than to buy an Xbox One. I refuse lol
ReplyDeleteand you can build me a gaming PC so I can play Titanfall too...lmao jk
ReplyDeleteyes yes draco build us both a gaming pc lmao jk jk XD
ReplyDeleteLOL might as well. At least it can still play games when you're offline.
ReplyDeletelisten...ima let all yal finish right....
ReplyDeletebut the wi-u is the best system out right now. XD
*drops mic*
ReplyDeleteLOL yay XD
ReplyDeletesorry DAWG ... but the 3DS is where its at -walks away-
ReplyDeleteThe 3DS is the best handheld system of all time....OF ALL TIME!
ReplyDeletePfft....PLAYSTATION VITA....all day everyday
ReplyDeleteall about the 3DS c:
ReplyDeletenever had a ps vita before so i can't really say much about it ^^;
I def swore by my PSP way back when lol. I hear that the Vita is pretty sweet
ReplyDeleteThe Vita is pretty awesome and games look really good on there, just needs some more games
ReplyDeleteI see lol ... once more games come out for it I might get one c:
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about getting one too. I actually did enjoy my days of having a psp. It was an awesome handheld aalternative to the gameboy w/e that was out at the time.