Welcome to our OJN discussion. This is a continuation from our last discussion as we go more in depth about Anime and why we enjoy it.
What Anime are you looking forward to in the upcoming months?

Yours Truly - Honestly I’m not the type of anime fan that actually looks up upcoming anime. I’m quite lazy in that regard plus the anime I do end up watching I typically come across on Tumblr once it airs. So yeah, the next anime that I’m looking forward to is the one I’ll wash up on by random means lol!
Loli-chan - One of the few animes I’m looking forward to is Saikin, Imoto no Yosu ga Chotto Okaishiin Da Ga. This will be airing in January 2014 but I’ll probably won’t start watching it till the end of May lol.
Ranzignus - Actually I’m with Draco on that. I don’t have to much of an idea whats coming up in the next couple months. Probably by the time I actually watch anything up and coming it will be like 2 years from now, lol.
What is your favorite Genre of Anime

As far as shounen ai… My god… What can’t I say. I honestly just love seeing guys do things that isn’t all that socially acceptable. Like having a lot of emotions, being really sensitive, vulnerable and most of all just falling in love with another man. Just seeing those emotions clash and the energy being played throughout is something I love to see over and over again. That and I just love guys with other guys *coughtokeepitclean*.

D - Wow this is a tough one for me. I watch so many different genres and I’m sure that by now you are seeing a bit of a repeating theme. I have been known to watch a lot of action as seen in my sometimes over enthusiastic mentions of Dragonball Z in some of my previous anime posts. There is also my love for anything with suspense/mystery. When done right, an anime falling under this genre will really grab my attention. You can see this in my love for series like Death Note. There’s also magical girl (which I rarely watch though do enjoy when I do *coughMADOKAcough*), slice of life, and romance…..yes...I fucking said romance lol.

R - If there is one thing I like its a good school-life anime. They usually come with the most feels. Besides it usually hilarious to see what mischief that “regular” school kids get into every episode. A close second place belongs to Parody of course because that ish is always full of laughs to the tenth degree.
What is your favorite Theme Song to an Anime show?
LC - My favorite anime theme hands down is “Katayoku no Tori” by Akiko Shikata from Umineko no Naku Koro ni.
R - Well if I had to choose one song I guess it would have to be “Core Pride” which is the opening to Blue Exorcist and performed by Uverworld.
D - Ranz likes an Uverworld song?! Oh man! I must agree with him though. It seems like anything that they touch turns to gold. They did one of my all time favorites, “D-technolife” which is one of the theme songs from Bleach. This song really gets me hyped up when I hear it. Picking one favorite is so unfair, but this comes pretty close to being number one.
YT - Good god this is a tough one since I like a lot of anime opening themes. But there is an anime I’m currently watching which I LOVE the opening theme to which is Rinbu - Revolution from Revolutionary Girl Utena. I not only like the music but the actual video of it as well, so whenever it comes on I can really enjoy myself watching it. In fact the soundtrack to that anime is great on it’s own and I would recommend it!
What Anime are you currently watching?

LC - Currently I’m not watching any anime. I will probably change this once I go on thanksgiving break. College is very stressful at the moment and has taken over my life. DX
R - I am in the process of watching several different things, First one up is something that Loli-Chan recommended to me which was “Hitman reborn”, next up I’m watching “Ikkitosen” and I am currently on the second season of that. I am on the last couple episodes of “Ben-to” Which was recommended to me by Draco’s younger brother JF Crazy. Usually I’m not into watching a bunch of different anime at one time but it seems that the time has come where I need to do so to keep up with everything I want to watch. Come to think of it I need to join Draco in watching “Attack on Titan” lol.

What Manga are you currently reading?

D - I don’t read manga. The last one that I read was probably Naruto or Parallel back in 2006.

If you could make your own anime/manga what would it be called and what would it be about?
D - This is classified lol. I’m joking…..yet serious. I’ve written some stuff before but it has never seen the light of day. I like to play around with themes of teens with powers or the ability to manipulate ki. The whole idea of that has always been something that I wanted to write from start to finish. Don’t ask me to name it though. I’m horrible with names.
R - Well I’m not going to say I don’t have an idea or 7 written down somewhere but...one said idea is named “Rise of the Mainds” (don't ask me how to pronounce the last word I haven't figured it out the be cannon yet). I think that the whole premise of it was a kinda “X-men”/Avatar kinda thing. Its been awhile since I even took a look at it really. I did believe at one point it would be a great concept for a manga at least...not that I discredit myself now. Maybe I’ll pull it out, finish, and make it into an OJN production.
YT - Wow this is a loaded question for me. As an anime artist and creative person in general I can probably spit out 10 basic ideas at you. I day dream so much that I would see the whole story play out in my head in an amazing way. It’s hard to answer this question for that reason alone, I have too many ideas lol! Even trying to find an old story is hard because I have so many mental paper balls with ideas on them in the back of my mind.
One idea that I would one day love to make into a comic is that artists from a popular art site gets sucked into another world where they have to fight each other. The kicker is that each artists fight with their own unique power based on that artist’s personality and skill. I made the concept into a contest on TheOtaku a few years back that was super successful, it had ton of entries so it might be worth considering making. I would base it off my own online experiences as an artist and even base a lot of the characters around real like people I’ve met.
LC - This is a tough question for me since I’m not that creative lol but if I did make an anime it would probably have to do with death, angels, and the four horsemen of the apocalypse. It would be very dark, scary, bloody, and a mystery.
Is there an anime that made you cry?

YT - The only anime made me cry that I can remember was Wolf’s Rain. It was near the end if not the actual ending. Honestly the whole thing is kind of fuzzy but I do remember the ending of the anime being incredibly sad especially since the plot itself was basically finding paradise in some form.
Do you dislike any anime, if so which one and why?

LC - Oh mai god yes! The one anime I can’t stand is The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya because its just so stupid and I cannot understand why people like it. From the characters to the story something about it made me want to flip a table.

Favorite anime ending?

LC - I’m going to have to agree with Draco. My favorite anime ending is from Cowboy Bebop. From the animation to the way the story went into the ending song was simply amazing.

OJN Crew
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